I am currently doing drawings of pretty much anything you want in pencil and ink for $5 measly dollars and coloring em for another $5 bucks of your not so hard earned scratch on Fiverr . I am also still doing podcast on Uncivilized Behavior with JaShinya and mrbipolar and we recently had a fundraiser none of you bastards went to.
All that out of the way, a moment of ranting, since it is something I like to do.
I think it is rather funny a man without success is bitter and angry, feeling like the one standing outside of the fun party and looking within through a window. As all those around are enjoying the plunders of their hard work to the top and others who attain so easily, the bitter and angry man questions. "Why!? Why is it that they are favored so much and I work so hard for nothing."
The truth is, there are some who work hard for what they get, even though they deserve more. There are those who work hard and get nothing. And there are those who don't work and get everything. The ones who work and get something back feel fulfilled and happy they are included into something, but it is a humble expression. The ones who work and get nothing feel bitter, confused, angry and unsatisfied. And the ones who work for nothing, take everything for granted, turn their back on those who helped them and see no value in the ones who praise them. The people who praise with blind eyes and never ending lust and hunger are the masses. They dictate the flow of success and the fall of it. Feed them the flavor they want and they will hate you. Feed them the flavor they need and you will be banished. Feed them something that makes them forget and you can fool them for a while.
What is the secret to success? .... I wouldn't know, I'm just the worker who is bitter and angry.